Update 9/5:  During monsoon flooding season, pedestrian bridges get washed out and some sections of the Trail become choked with weeds. Our crew has finished mowing the trail, but the bridges are all still out.  They are being completely rebuilt, so it may be another week or more before they are replaced.

Visitors, please stay on the Trail .

Special thanks to the landowners who have granted the Anza Trail an easement across their land.   

Golf Resort Trail: Round Trip 1.8 miles

Begin at the east end of Calle Iglesias at the Leila Pearsall Memorial Rock.  Proceed along the trail north to paved Bridge Road and over to the north shoulder of the road.  Follow the fenceline to the right (east) to the open gate.  Stay to the left at the fork in the trail just north of the gate.  Follow the marked trail to the golf course maintenance road adjacent to the driving range.  Return by the same route.  If you proceed onto the golf course, use extreme caution as it is active.

Presidio Loop Trail: 1.5 miles

Begin at the gravel parking lot at the entrance to the park property and follow the trail east and south across the Tubac Wash, through the archaeological conservancy site, and into a large treeless area.  Skirt along the vegetation, follow the treeline east to a gate and continue north along the trail to the Leila Pearsall Memorial Rock placed on the trail.  Exit the trail onto Calle Iglesias road and amble back west along it to Burruel Street and then south to the gravel parking lot.  If you go just to the ramada and back, it’s about 1.1 miles.

Clark Crossing Trail: Round trip 3 miles

Proceed south from Clark Crossing along marked trail to the Mission.